Other stones
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Cuarcita FERRI

Our Ferri Quartzite is a colorful natural stone perfect for giving a rustic finish to any project, providing flat stones and handcrafted blocks. The mix of red, gray, and ochre shades is very original and adds strength and liveliness to the final result of the projects. We have a good quarry that ensures a continuous supply.

Cuarcita FERRI
Cuarcita FERRI
Cuarcita FERRI
Cuarcita FERRI
Cuarcita FERRI
Cuarcita FERRI
Cuarcita FERRI


It is a broad category of coarse to medium-grain particulate material used in construction, which includes sand, gravel, crushed stone, slag, recycled concrete, and geosynthetic aggregates. Aggregates are the most extracted materials in the world. Our aggregates are natural, made from slate stones that serve as reinforcement to add strength to the public landscape architecture.
